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Photo Gallery

The name Blackbird’s Emporium was chosen by us as symbolic of the wide variety of projects that we have created over the years, and that we are continually exploring new skills and materials to create with.

The word Emporium is a term used to denote a store which sells a wide variety of goods as well as a marketplace in ancient cities. This seemed very suitable to cover all the different projects and creations we make and sell, and also the historical use of the word. 

Blackbirds have long been associated with collecting shiny items, and my wardrobe does have a lot of black in it (haha!), so it seemed very appropriate to choose this spirit animal. That and the fact that one of us actually has a real live crow companion, that lives in the wild but frequently visits and hangs out for long chats! Especially when the weather is wet or cold, she likes to stay inside and get up to all sorts of antics.

So, to give you some idea of what we do, and what we have done, here are a few different photo galleries to explore:

Our Assemblage Sculpture projects can be seen in this gallery.

Junkalina and the Clockingbird have their own gallery here.

Octopus’ Garden (aka Otto) has his own gallery here.

A gallery of our various jewellery styles can be seen here